Saturday, October 16, 2010

Part I: The Boy Next Door - Emily

This is probably when someone starts a story with "once upon a time".  I don't even think this deserves a good introduction because it is easier just to begin the story.

There are three characters (besides myself and Bri) that need introduction.
1. Tyler - my neighbor, my best friend, the only guy I have consistently trusted throughout my life.
2. Eliza - my best friend.
3. Ellen - my other best friend, currently has a boyfriend.

One night, Tyler and I were talking about life. He was calling me lately about college because he is a senior in high school looking at schools. I thought nothing of his phone calls, but obviously they meant something.  Tyler asked me several of the normal questions; Did I have a boyfriend? No. Was I seeing anyone? No. Did I like anyone? Not really.  After these questions went on for a while, Tyler asked me what my type was. I described my dream man as such: Man in uniform, who has the same political beliefs as I do, and likes football.  Tyler then proceeded to suggest himself. 

This is when I knew something was happening.

Tyler and I continued talking until all hours in the morning, and we declared that we would discuss our relationship when I returned for winter break.  It was a wonderful plan. Our conversations bloomed into basic poems about how we could not wait the 40-something days until I returned home. He called me baby, sweetie, and honey. I returned his names with handsome, hon, and love. It really was supposed to be perfect. 

Supposed to be.

About a week later I get a phone call from Eliza.  The only part I remember hearing before I blew a fuse was "Ellen and Tyler" "You telling her, or am I."  At this point I attempted to Skype Tyler. (Skype: Video chat) And then I called Ellen.  I told Ellen about Tyler and I. I told her everything I promised to Tyler I wouldn't tell. We discovered that our conversations were cookie cutter conversations. He copied and pasted conversations from one girl to another. We decided something had to be done. 

With Ellen on speaker phone with Bri, Beth on Skype, and Tyler on speaker phone with me, I began to tear Tyler apart.  I began the conversation very pleasantly. I stated how I couldn't wait to see him. And made him confirm everything I said so Ellen knew I couldn't be lying.  I believe he eventually knew I found out.  But I wanted to rub it in.  I asked one simple question:

"Would you ever like to have a threesome?"
"Uhhh... No. I don't think so."
"Really? Because it seemed like you were very interested in Ellen too." 

He apologized until I felt like I never wanted to hear his voice ever again. I let Ellen reveal herself, and he apologized some more. At this point I have no idea how Ellen felt or feels about Tyler. All I know is that I was sick to my stomach. I was disgusted. I cannot believe how someone you can trust so much, can hurt you even more than you trusted them.  I cannot talk to him anymore without feeling horrid. 

After this, I promised myself I'd never fall for anyone again. I guess I became more like a venomous spider, rather than the common house spider I used to be. I caught everyone who landed in my web. Part II and III are for them. 

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