Saturday, October 16, 2010


I hate the snooze button.

I mean really? It had to be invented by a procrastinator who said "My alarm went off but I'm a lazy ass so if I want to sleep longer than I should!" I think I've had a record of 3 hours of pressing snooze every ten minutes. For those of you who hate math...thats 18 times I jump up to press the damn button that lets me lie back down for ten minutes.

However, My record amount of snoozing isn't even the biggest problem with this button. I happen to convince myself that an extra ten minutes of bliss is perfectly acceptable when it's not. For instance I once convinced myself that I didn't need to shower before class, and you know I could just stay in my pjs too. Needless to say I ran to class in the five minutes allotted to myself in pjs with make-up smeared over my face from the night before. Good work Bri.

Now to my next issue involving sleep. Every night when I go to bed I take a mental evaluation of my piercings (three in my ears, one in my nose, and one in my lip) care for them accordingly and fall asleep. In the morning without fail, when I preform the same evaluation my nose ring is always missing. I've wondered so many times how the little bugger could escape the tiny hole it's shoved into, some include sleep-picking (the act of picking one's nose in ones it) my pillow acting as a net for the tiny gem, and other such nonsense. The particular stud I have in now always seems to turn up whether in my bed or right one the ground, we simply play a game of hide-and-seek. If you have any ideas, or have happened to see my nose stud wondering down Mill Street at three a.m., please comment on this post!

So there you have it. I have strange sleep issues, I'm in college, who doesn't?

Take Emily for example...

The Evil Moaner
Emily is a lovely person and I love her (So remember that Em while you read this post), but she is the nosiest sleeper I've ever heard. Our dorm room has bunk beds, due to my sensitivity towards gravity we put Emily in the top bunk. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT there are strange nosies just above my head. Now supposedly our dorm is haunted, but I'm not sure this is the work of ghosts. Sometimes I'm sure Emily just has a little trouble breathing, enough for a very loud passage clearing snort occasionally followed by light snoring. This I could deal with, however what really gets me is the moaning. I'm not sure whats going on in that little head of hers (I'm not sure I want to by the sounds of it), but she moans CONSTANTLY! When her little sister spent the night, all night they would moan in response to each other, around three a.m I physically had to leave the room. If you see her, please ask her about her dreams if you dare.
NOTE: I am planning to record this one night to post it for you! It's indescribable.

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