Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Night Out - Emily

At this moment I know why I absolutely love the girls in my hall.  They are wonderful. They are fabulous. They are beautiful and they are patient.  After my wild weekend, they still love me enough to calm me down as I scream like a wild banshee up and down the hallways, stomp-dance my anxiety away, roll around on the floor like a young child, and talk like I've never said a word before.

I was acting like a complete invalid because instead of receiving about five days to prepare myself for a coed sleepover, I had about three hours. Now, coed sleepovers are very different than single sex sleepovers. When a girl prepares herself for a slumber party (All girls sleepover), she thinks about what she needs to get the best night's sleep in the least amount of time.  She thinks about what hair supplies she will need tomorrow, she packs approximately ten shirts, 4 different pairs of pants, two pairs of shoes and one sock.  Girls plan on what juicy gossip they can share with each other, what games to play, and what guys they want to marry.

A coed sleepover is SO different.  WHAT DO YOU BRING TO A COED SLEEP OVER?

After running from room to room debating and listing what to bring over to Al's on a monday evening for a sleepover, I had a full list of things to pack to take over. This is the first draft of the list, with various comments from my lovely floor mates.
     -Clothes for tomorrow
     -Pillow - "why the FUCK would you need to bring a pillow for? Its a sleep over. USE HIS!"
     -Flashlight - "You are not going to summer camp"
     -Books for class 
     -PJ pants - "Are you just going to wear pants to bed?"
     -Contacts - "Aren't you wearing glasses right now?"
More comments about my list:
     -"With the amount of stuff you are bringing, you might as well move in!"
     -"Are you sure you don't want to bring a sleeping bag?"
     -"You know you have to sleep in your bra, right?"
     -"Wear your polka spotted underwear!"
     -Even though I only have one color bra... "Don't wear any of your nude bras!"
This is what I actually brought: 

A purse.

This is what I actually wore:

The same clothes I was wearing all day. A nude bra. And my Polka spotted undies.

I had a lovely night. Honestly it was the best night I've ever had.   I slept like a baby. 

I think the best part of the night was when I found out what was happening while I was asleep. I guess one of my neighbors called my silent cell phone this morning at 7:00. While I was fast asleep next to Al, Bri was locked out of the room. HAHA. Now. This is the second time. The first time was fine because I was in the room sleeping. When Bri decided to lock herself out of the room this time, I was in another dorm, completely unable to help her as she banged on the door in her robe. This is hilarious. This is the funniest thing I've ever experienced vicariously through my hall mates. 

So right now, Al and I are friends, with benefits. I don't know what I expect from this. I don't know what I want from this relationship.  Part of me wishes this relationship will bloom into something more than what it is now, but part of me wants to hold on to what I have now. I am extremely attracted to Al, and I don't think this relationship will end in the near future. 

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