Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break - Emily

I know I have much to share with you all about how my spring break has gone. 

Then of course... a story!

A few things first (Reasons why I cannot wait to go back...)

1. I have no friends here. This is not meant for you to feel bad for me because I have a ton of friends at OU. I just do not have very many close friends in my home town. All of my OU friends live in various cities in Ohio, and I still cannot drive  on the freeway. 
2. The internet connection here goes out every SINGLE time the phone rings. While I do not have to sign into the internet every time I open up my laptop.... I cannot stand being kicked off the internet because of the stupid phone ringing. 

Second.. Some updates:

1. My boobs have grown since the beginning of college... I am now a 32ddd (Yes it is an actual size.) By the time I graduate from college, I know my boobs will be a 32ggg... I will resemble a real life barbie with brown hair. I am not Okay with this. 

2. Al has officially asked me to hang out with him twice throughout finals week and spring break. I have politely declined each time. I am sorry that I do not want to be with a womanizer. I was not even attracted to him in the first place, and he made no effort to communicate unless he wanted something.

3. I have now decided to move on to frat guys. Not because of the Sorority/frat thing, but because of Greek week. 

Greek week 2011 Here I come!

4. Bri and I have shown all of the people who thought we would not last as roommates that we do still love each other. SUCCESS. 

And... A story:

So I was standing in Temple volunteering so I could see many of my friends and my boss. Of course I was with Zack in the office standing as he made origami (what else do two college students do on a day off....) We were talking and having a good time, as we always do, when Daniel came in. 

**Side note. Daniel is maybe the most vile man I have ever met in my life. He used to have a rat's tail hair cut, takes pictures of how much he vomits after drinking, and has one of those "I-need-to-shave-but-I-Dont-have-enough-hair-to-shave" upper lip mustaches going on. He is relatively greasy, and tries constantly to be badass. He is NOT badass.**

But anyway. Daniel, who is way too touchy-feely for his own good, comes into the office and opens up his arms for a hug. I return his gesture with a quick pat on the back after he was clearly sticking his crotch forward. (1. Even if he were the last man on earth... there would be NO touching. 2. AT NO TIME will I EVER be that desperate. 3. EW.)

He continued to complain about how I give the worst hugs in the world (I think I can deal with that), and then left the office. I then kept talking to Zack because I was enjoying his company. 

**Side note. I like Zack. He is very sweet. He is clearly a brother to me. We hang out like brother and sister. And I treat him like a brother. TO ANYONE reading this, we are not Dating. That thought does not even cross our minds at all.**

Daniel returned to the office as Zack and I were arguing as usual, only to wrap his arms around me and give me yet another hug.


After this hug, Zack and I continued talking, while Daniel continued to hug me again and again. As I was getting ready to rip off every single solitary phalange with my bare hands, he placed his arms around my shoulders and said:

"Be NICE! This is my future Baby Mama!"


Yup. Thats my life...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Long Lost Love-Bri

I know they are out there. 
At least I'm fairly sure they are.

Have you ever believed in something? I mean not the kind of "I believed in Santa as a kid" but "I believe in creationism or evolution" kind of belief.

Well I believe with my whole entire heart that there is someone out there for me. I believe the love of my life is waiting with the same belief that I'm here for them.

I don't know why I think about this...obsess about this, but I have since I can remember. When I was younger I used to have dreams of finding a person like this, I felt better than I ever have in my entire life. I remember trying to skip school just to keep dreaming that wonderful dream.

I'm not sure why this is, or if I'm the only one who has such a strong desire for the perfect love. It kind of gets in the way of my life, so if you do I'm sorry! I've rejected so many people because I just don't feel that connection. I watch t.v. shows and movies and see people fake those connections so flawlessly, I wish I could fake as easily as them. 

I'm 20, I'm young, and for the first time in my life I don't know what I want...all I know is I want something.

I crave the feeling of looking after someone, yet I've never had someone to look after me. I've thought about looking on dating sites, I get advice like "put yourself out there" I've tried harder than anything to do this. I've tried losing weight, changing my hair, changing my clothes...people say "Bri, you are beautiful" If I'm beautiful, and so great, where are all the possible suitors. I see my friends get people like it's I am lonely. 

At the moment I've decided to give Raymond another chance, but do I feel loved? Not really... Do I feel that connection I crave? Not really... I love him, but what kind of love is it? I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!



Ohio University and Other Adventures- Emily

So I believe I am writing this in response to someone who just bad mouthed the college I attend on another blog. A girl down the hall, Jenny ( decided to write a blog post about how much she loves Ohio University. A few days later, someone left a comment about how each degree from Ohio University is useless. I have a few things to say to this person:

1. Ohio University may be the number two party school, but we do not all WANT to push it to number one. The university has set up stricter rules about underage drinking, and the university police are always out patrolling streets. Every freshman needed to take this obnoxious course about the dangers of drinking. They are also raising the fine for drinking in the dorms, and the RA's are on top of the drinking inside the dorms. 

2. For you to judge a degree on where someone goes to school, is ridiculous, and you obviously do not deserve to be hiring people. I know my degree is worth just as much as the hard work I put into it. Just because my parents/I do not spend over $40,000 a year on tuition, does not mean I do not deserve the same opportunities as someone who slacked off at an Ivy League School. 

3. Ohio University is the number one school in student happiness. This means, Ohio University's students are happy with their education, living conditions, the way the university is run, and most importantly, their decision. 

4. The people at Ohio University are all amazing. The professors are phenomenal, the class sizes are smaller (I've had 6 at the least, 150 at the most), and the people you meet are amazing. The people I've met at Ohio University, whether they were my potential sorority sisters, or people living in the same dorm, everyone waves and smiles whenever you see them. Though there have been a few people I have problems with... I could not see myself anywhere else. 

Now... the Other Adventures!!!

So you should all remember Al. If you don't... He's the juggler.

We kinda split up after I found out about our friend having cancer. I went over to his dorm room, cried on his lap, and then Al and I were no more. This did not really bother me because I was not really attracted to Al. While he was a good friend, I could never really see anything with him. Because of this fact, everyone on our floor started to think it was hilarious when I saw him EVERYWHERE. 

So on Friday, I had to go to a dance concert for one of my classes (DO NOT TAKE FAR 150!). I went with a friend Bekah, and wound up meeting Jenny and other girls from our dorm. We were giggling and having a great time..... until Al walked down the isle. 

I really did not know what to make of this so I began to laugh hysterically. He was of course, with another girl, probably his newest fling. This did not bother me. 

Before I know it, he sat right behind me. I stared straight ahead completely helpless. Not only was this going to be the most awkward moment of my life, but it will be repeated forever. I continued to laugh, and the show began. While all of my friends were turning around staring at him and giggling, he did not suspect a thing.

** Side note** I was wearing a shirt with my name on it. My name is very rare, especially placed right under the name of my alma mater. I've worn my hair in the same style since I was four... So nothing was new with the back of my head. Lastly, my voice and accent are obnoxious. Honestly, I am a loud Clevelander with a squeaky voice. It is very recognizable. ** End Side Note **

After a long hour of creepy dancing and avoiding Al as much as I could, I leaned over to Becca to hear what she had to say. As soon as I turn my head slightly to the right....

Al: HEY...Punches my right shoulder...I did not see you there! How are you? Are you enjoying the show?

................................ What the hell.......................
Yup. Thats my life. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

End of Winter Quarter - Emily

This is really weird because I am writing this at two in the morning after drinking two cans of Coke and writing from 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM and then again from 12:00 AM to now. There are a couple of things I realized while sitting (alone) in the study lounge.

1. I really should be working on my paper.
2. Breaks from writing should NOT include more writing....
3. I have three more papers to write after this one...
4. And two tests to study for....
5. I literally do not have a social life.
6. I have not slept in over 20 hours.
7. Winter Quarter was the worst quarter of my life.
8. I can not wait to go home.
9. I kinda wish spring break was a bit longer.
10. .... And I have that review sheet to do....
11. Athens is pretty quiet for 2:30 in the morning.

I guess I am happy that Winter quarter is coming to a close. I can see Eliza, my family, and my dog. I can find what sleep is like again..... 

Well... I realize this is really short, but I know several people will KILL me if they know I was writing a lame blog post rather than writing a lame paper. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stickies - Emily

Bri and I have officially hit crazy rock bottom.....

Today, I decided to be a complete bitch and get the person who decided to cover the bathroom with instructional sticky notes back. While this may seem harmless, you should understand that we are surrounded by very PMSy girls and they are very vengeful. 

I walked into the bathroom armed with hot pink sticky notes and ideas galore... But before I could successfully complete my mission, Bri and I had to get rid of a girl.

Now this girl, Bella, is the LOUDEST most OBNOXIOUS girl in the world. She constantly screams in the middle of the hallway at the ass crack of dawn in the morning. It is disturbing. It is horrid. What makes me frustrated is that she has her OWN room around the corner. She and her friends could very well walk around the corner and sit on her spare bed and scream all they want. But they choose to CACKLE at ONE in the morning. 

So Bri and I quickly devised a plan. Bella was washing dishes at the dish washing sink. Bri and I took the last two stalls and began to execute our plan. 

Bri began talking about how she had the WORST diarrhea from the Chipotle she did not consume. Then The conversation continued like so:

Bri: Do you want to listen to some music?
Me: Sure!
Bri plays the weirdest spa music known to man kind. Why she has this music on her iPod... I have no idea, but it works.
Me: This is really good pooping music!
Bri: Do you want to hear better pooping music?
Bri: Ok! 
Bri then plays the WORST spa music known to man kind. This is hilarious. I start to giggle and pull up my pants...
Me: OH SHOOT! I forgot to put my pad on!
Bri: Thats okay I'm changing....

Bella then leaves the bathroom in a huff. I find this even more funny. 

My plan is now in action...
As soon as Bella left, I COVERED the bathroom with sticky notes saying "Don't forget to flush!" "It's okay to poop in this stall, everybody poops!" "You can only stand in this stall!" "Don't forget to wipe!" "You can hang your towels here!" And my personal favorite.... "Pee in here its dark!!!!"

This was amazing. Now for phase two... I have no idea what phase two is... but I will write about it.  

Lactose and Tolerant-Bri

Yes I do realize the correct statement is lactose intolerant, but a wee little Bri referred to 
her brother's dairy allergy as lactose and tolerant...if only that were the case.

You see folks, the jokes on me! All the years of making fun of the fact that my brother  

couldn't have the good chocolate milk, or spitting his gross soymilk all over the place, I have 
finally come to terms with the fact that I am lactose intolerant. Me...the dairitarian...the big 
cheese...the get the picture. To me this disease (or rather not having a genetic 
mutation that allows me to digest lactase) is life threatening.

I've known I had the onset of lactose intolerance when I began getting terrible cramping 

stomach pains sometime last year. With all my ignorance with intolerance, I believed that 
this strange phenomena only occurred in young children and wrinkly fat old ladies. However, 
this assumption is entirely false (WARNING: NEVER LISTEN TO BRI'S ASSUMPTIONS 

"Em, it's going to be a long night...I ate mac and cheese and had sour cream on my fries.."

"I'm hoping that if I ignore it, it'll just go away!"

So damn nieve, good thing I'm super adorable. But lemme tell you-thousands of trips to the 

bathroom in gut wrenching pain = not adorable at all. In fact, I became so incredibly used to 
these nightly after dinner detours I finished 100 levels of angry birds (and if you know me, 
then you know I only play angry birds whilst on the potty), have simply become part of my 

I have now decided that the fact my stomach always appears bloated 
eventhoughitrecievesacleansingclosetotheintensityofNiagrafallseachnight is due to the fact 
that I continue to eat dairy. Therefore, I have promised to discontinue my use of dairy in the 
hopes I will not reach level 209,399,203 in Angry Birds...and also to return to my skinny-jean-
wearing self!

Happy Eating!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Never Wear Bare Feet in the Rain - Emily & Bri


It was 8:45 PM as I walked back from Chapter from one of the farthest buildings from my dorm room. It was raining cats and dogs, when I decided to take off my leather based sandals. I understood that water and leather do not go well together, so I decided to spare my shoes and risk stepping on several rocks, and stubbing my toes.

At about 9:00 PM My feet were okay until I stepped on some glass. At this time I just believed it was a rock, stuck on my foot, and I pulled it out. 

At 9:05 PM I kept walking the few yards to my dorm. I went up the stairs and reached my friends room. At this time, one girl from my hall said "Uhh... I think you are bleeding...."

9:10 PM At this time I looked down at my foot, and the puddle of blood in my friends room. I then hobbled to the bathroom giving instructions to each of my friends. Then Bri comes in....


9:05 P.M- My hall council meeting gets out and we walk to the stair well. I'm in the back of the group but I hear people gasping. 
      Jenna- There is blood all over the steps!!
      Me- WHAT?? Shannon, SNIFF IT! (I didn't think she actually would)
      Shannon- (actually would) It doesn't smell like blood...and it kind of looks like jell-o...

9:08 P.M- We realize the blood goes all the way up to stairs, at which point we get the dorm administrators to call cleaners. We then proceed up the stairs following the blood to the third floor door.
         Jenna- It goes down the third floor hallway!! (aka our hallway)

9:09 P.M.-  I spot a girl coming from the bathroom.
        Me- Uhmm, do you know where these red foot prints came from??
        Girl- Yeah, your roommate's in the bathroom, she cut her foot.
Oh good lord. It would be em leaving behind a crime scene for me to follow. I begin to think there had been a lot of blood...I immediately take off in a panicked run to the bathroom.
         Me-EMMMMM!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!!

          This is where our stories intertwine. Emily is sitting in the shower area of the dorm's communal restroom surrounded by piles of bloodied tissues, clorox cleaning wipes, and rubber gloves.
        Em- I'm fine! I just stepped on some glass when I was walking home, no big says as              long as the bleeding stopped I'm fine!
       Me- Okay, just let me look at the cut (after all I've been a lifeguard for five years now).

It was deep, but not super deep, and it didn't look as thought there was any glass inside of it. She seemed slightly in shock but other than that she seemed fine. Although the incident scared both of tetanus shot later it was over!

Moral of this story...NEVER WEAR BARE FEET IN THE RAIN!