Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stickies - Emily

Bri and I have officially hit crazy rock bottom.....

Today, I decided to be a complete bitch and get the person who decided to cover the bathroom with instructional sticky notes back. While this may seem harmless, you should understand that we are surrounded by very PMSy girls and they are very vengeful. 

I walked into the bathroom armed with hot pink sticky notes and ideas galore... But before I could successfully complete my mission, Bri and I had to get rid of a girl.

Now this girl, Bella, is the LOUDEST most OBNOXIOUS girl in the world. She constantly screams in the middle of the hallway at the ass crack of dawn in the morning. It is disturbing. It is horrid. What makes me frustrated is that she has her OWN room around the corner. She and her friends could very well walk around the corner and sit on her spare bed and scream all they want. But they choose to CACKLE at ONE in the morning. 

So Bri and I quickly devised a plan. Bella was washing dishes at the dish washing sink. Bri and I took the last two stalls and began to execute our plan. 

Bri began talking about how she had the WORST diarrhea from the Chipotle she did not consume. Then The conversation continued like so:

Bri: Do you want to listen to some music?
Me: Sure!
Bri plays the weirdest spa music known to man kind. Why she has this music on her iPod... I have no idea, but it works.
Me: This is really good pooping music!
Bri: Do you want to hear better pooping music?
Bri: Ok! 
Bri then plays the WORST spa music known to man kind. This is hilarious. I start to giggle and pull up my pants...
Me: OH SHOOT! I forgot to put my pad on!
Bri: Thats okay I'm changing....

Bella then leaves the bathroom in a huff. I find this even more funny. 

My plan is now in action...
As soon as Bella left, I COVERED the bathroom with sticky notes saying "Don't forget to flush!" "It's okay to poop in this stall, everybody poops!" "You can only stand in this stall!" "Don't forget to wipe!" "You can hang your towels here!" And my personal favorite.... "Pee in here its dark!!!!"

This was amazing. Now for phase two... I have no idea what phase two is... but I will write about it.  

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