Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Never Wear Bare Feet in the Rain - Emily & Bri


It was 8:45 PM as I walked back from Chapter from one of the farthest buildings from my dorm room. It was raining cats and dogs, when I decided to take off my leather based sandals. I understood that water and leather do not go well together, so I decided to spare my shoes and risk stepping on several rocks, and stubbing my toes.

At about 9:00 PM My feet were okay until I stepped on some glass. At this time I just believed it was a rock, stuck on my foot, and I pulled it out. 

At 9:05 PM I kept walking the few yards to my dorm. I went up the stairs and reached my friends room. At this time, one girl from my hall said "Uhh... I think you are bleeding...."

9:10 PM At this time I looked down at my foot, and the puddle of blood in my friends room. I then hobbled to the bathroom giving instructions to each of my friends. Then Bri comes in....


9:05 P.M- My hall council meeting gets out and we walk to the stair well. I'm in the back of the group but I hear people gasping. 
      Jenna- There is blood all over the steps!!
      Me- WHAT?? Shannon, SNIFF IT! (I didn't think she actually would)
      Shannon- (actually would) It doesn't smell like blood...and it kind of looks like jell-o...

9:08 P.M- We realize the blood goes all the way up to stairs, at which point we get the dorm administrators to call cleaners. We then proceed up the stairs following the blood to the third floor door.
         Jenna- It goes down the third floor hallway!! (aka our hallway)

9:09 P.M.-  I spot a girl coming from the bathroom.
        Me- Uhmm, do you know where these red foot prints came from??
        Girl- Yeah, your roommate's in the bathroom, she cut her foot.
Oh good lord. It would be em leaving behind a crime scene for me to follow. I begin to think there had been a lot of blood...I immediately take off in a panicked run to the bathroom.
         Me-EMMMMM!!! ARE YOU OKAY!!!

          This is where our stories intertwine. Emily is sitting in the shower area of the dorm's communal restroom surrounded by piles of bloodied tissues, clorox cleaning wipes, and rubber gloves.
        Em- I'm fine! I just stepped on some glass when I was walking home, no big says as              long as the bleeding stopped I'm fine!
       Me- Okay, just let me look at the cut (after all I've been a lifeguard for five years now).

It was deep, but not super deep, and it didn't look as thought there was any glass inside of it. She seemed slightly in shock but other than that she seemed fine. Although the incident scared both of tetanus shot later it was over!

Moral of this story...NEVER WEAR BARE FEET IN THE RAIN!

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