Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Home - Emily

First off, this title is very confusing. Where is home? Is home my house? Is home my dorm room? Is nome a city? A state? Well... Home is none of these things. I think home is where your heart is, so I have about 100 homes around Ohio, my friends and family. So I guess I should re-title this post.


I am now with my family. In my house. And life is SO different. Here is the top 50 list of ways my house is COMPLETELY different:

50. There are toilet lids
49. I can sit on the toilet seat.
48. I have my own room - This means unlimited naked time. I don't have to worry about a roommate walking in on my naked time. (BTW- Naked time is just being naked. Not Doing anything...)
47. There are no 2:00 AM drunks
46. It is FREEZING IN THE HOUSE - despite the fact that our Air conditioner is always on in our dorm room, the house - where the heat is on - is colder.
45. I can shower without shoes on.
44. The bathroom here is probably more dirty than the one at the dorm
43. There is no water pressure here.
42. I have to make an effort to see my friends
41. I have to share here
39. There is one bathroom-- not one with stalls
38. I can bring my computer in the bathroom without people judging.
37. My bed is less than three - four feet off the ground
35. I have to drive places.
34. My dog
33. I have to put pants on to walk to the bathroom here.
32. If someone is annoying here... I cant just walk away and lock my door. I have to sit t through the whole thing.
31. The internet is slower than a snail's thoughts here
30. No one is up at midnight
29. I actually have to make my bed and clean my room...
28. I have to share things
27. Youtube is faster
26. I don't have to walk up three flights of stairs to get to my room
25. I don't have to lock my room's door
24. I don't have to bring stuff to the bathroom
23. Everyone spends four hours in the bathroom - And I need to pee....
22. No one laughs at my stupid jokes
21. I cannot listen to "fuck you" Really loud
20. I cannot listen to any music really loud
19. I cannot swear
18. I cannot text as I eat
17. I don't need to sleep with my computer - I can just put it on the floor...
16. I have no bean bag to sit on
15. I still need to pee and I cant because there is only one bathroom and the alarm is on.
14. "hooking up" with people is SEVERELY frowned upon.
13. My hair is always a problem
12. I cannot talk to Bri before I go to bed.
11. I cannot talk Bri into turning off the light at night
10. I cannot talk Bri into doing anything
9. Bri is not here
8. PEOPLE INTERRUPT MY PEEING SCHEDULE! (I still need to pee... I still cant get in the bathroom.)
7. My bed is bigger (barely)
6. The room is bigger (barely)
5. My best friends are at their houses, that are far away
4. Running and screaming down the hallway is frowned upon
3. Skipping places is frowned upon
2. I can walk around in bare feet
1. I barely have a chance to talk let alone tell great stories.

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