Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What I've Learned - Emily

While Bri is already home and working, I am still stuck in Athens, Ohio listening to a mix of Ingrid Michaelson and Sara Bareilles. I have officially packed everything up into boxes and bags, and cleaned everything but my desktop. I have no idea how the year went by so fast. Guys. I'm a one hour final away from finishing my freshman year. This is crazy.

Because I am the queen of lists, I guess I should write one more list before I sign off of nightlife. (And maybe start my own blog?)

These are the things I've learned as a freshman in college:

1. Princess bandaids fix everything.
2. If you walk into the bathroom barefoot... you might get cake on your feet.
3. One completely unexpected person will change your life.
4. Focus on one thing, conquer it, and refocus.
5. You will sleep through a very important alarm when it is three inches from your face if you are exhausted enough.
6. Do not go shopping at the market on your period.
7. Command hooks do not come off of anything without a fight.
8. Life can change in an instant.
9. Hard work will always pay off.
10. Dining hall food sucks the last two weeks of school.
11. Though people make fun of freshmen, they would give anything to be one again.
12. You will miss your family more than you think.
13. It is best to sip mixed drinks. Guzzling = Bad life choice.
14. Strange things will no longer shock you.

I'm starting to get a bit sentimental, so I'm going to stop the list at 14. Have a wonderful summer. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Writer Chick-Bri

"Can I handle the seasons of my life?" Dixie Chicks is currently playing in my mind. I've realized it's my favorite music to ponder life to.

Today I think I've had another epiphany. I really want to teach, but now I've learned most of all I really want to learn from my kids. I cannot wait to step out of my own shoes and step into one of my children's. The best part of teaching is knowing the potential of each of your students to change the world one day.

First of all if you haven't, go right now and watch the movie "Freedom Writers". Second, I mention this because I saw the movie in theaters and was inspired by the bravery of each of the students to change. Today Erin Gruwell came to my University to speak. I find myself clinging to each word, hearing how grateful she was to have had her life changed by these students. I realized that is how teachers should teach, by learning from their students. Each student began to love learning by learning about things that they had an actually connection to. I got this same joy when I was asked to help with a shabbat service at my Hillel. I used to think reading from the torah wasn't very useful and sometimes believed judaism didn't connect to me. Once I really found a connection between me and the portion of the torah I was studying that week I fell in love. I could believe I was traveling the journey of the jewish people during passover. These ways of connecting are what make learning worthwhile.

Not only did Erin change my outlook and increase my excitement towards teaching, she was also an extremely nice human being. I bought her memoir, "Teach With Your Heart", and she spoke to me about how nervous she had been. She signed my book "follow your heart" perfect! She even took a picture with my friend and I!

I also remembered 500 Days of Summer is one of my favorite movies. Zooey Deschanel may have something to do with that...I mean look at her..

Also Emily and the gang lovingly silly stringed me. Thanks guys.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Epiphanies of a Queer Jewess

I've always wished I was super cool and trendy but blissfully unaware of how cool I really was. This is not the case. I assure you.

It's me ya'll!

However, I am learning who I am. This fact in itself is pretty darn cool. It's been a while since I've written so I'm going to have to back track a bit.

If winter quarter was april showers, then spring quarter is may flowers. In fact May has been a beyond amazing month so far, and we're only on the eighth day! During the beginning of spring I was feeling a bit down and I wanted to connect to something, someone, anything really. My BFF Katie convinced me to go to a Christian Bible study. (Just so we're clear, I've been raised jewish...bat mitzvah and all) I've always considered myself to be open minded and I believe being open minded means you try to give everything and everyone a chance. Bible study was very interesting and I'm glad I went because during it I looked inside myself and realized that I'm jewish through and through and christianity just wasn't for me.

The second time I realized this was when I decided to attend a Passover Seder at Hillel (aka the building where you can find all the jews on a college campus). There was a twist to this Seder, it was all women and followed a feminist format. HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT!? It was amazing, so many powerful college jewish women gathered around a table reading about standing up for women and gay people and eating a vegetarian meal. I felt totally connected and in awe of the sacred beauty of two of my biggest spiritual connections, feminism and judaism.

Via Hella Gloire

This leads to my next epiphany. Chris. Chris blows my mind every I talk to her, she has expanded my world in unbelievable proportions. I met Chris last quarter, in where else but group therapy. (OH HEY YA'LL IF YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THE SHOW "BEING ERICA" PLEASE DO SO!) At the time we met I was in a lackluster relationship with Raymond, who I love dearly, but just not as a boyfriend anymore. I was also still mourning Kayla's jump back into the straight world. Chris had a girlfriend, but she made my stomach spin every time she opened her mouth during our sessions. There was something about Chris that I fell in love with the moment I laid eyes on her. Winter quarter ended and so did group, I was sad to leave for many reasons, but especially because I didn't know if I would see Chris again. We were friends on facebook and we began to message back and forth. Eventually we exchanged numbers and met up at an LGBT dance. She introduced me to all of her friends as her "friend Bri, who is just wonderful!". I think I fell asleep beaming. Her girlfriend and her broke up, Raymond and I broke up. We continued to talk and hang out, she drag me out of my dorm more than I'd ever left it before! We went to pride week events, International Film Festival movies together, she gave me books like Rubyfruit Jungle, I was amazed by her depth and maturity. Each time I saw her I never wanted to leave. Finally after last weekend when we met each other's mothers I knew I wanted to tell her how I felt. She felt the same, and the next day she kissed me.

Via Effindykes

Chris is a senior. She's graduating in three short weeks. I am trying to take things one step at a time and I don't want to fall in love again like I did with Kayla, but it's going to take all I have not to.

In the last month or so I've realized I'm totally a Queer Jewess, and I never want the month of May to end.

Via Effindykes

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Periods for Dummies - Emily

This blog post is for all of the men out there who would like a snapshot of what a girl feels during her period, and how to handle it.

Many of you may not know, but a women's period begins when her last one ends. Most periods are 28 days from the first day of the started period. But for story telling purposes, I will begin on the last day of a women's period. (I will reference it as day one.)

Day 1: The best day of the month. Women generally celebrate with themselves at this time. Not only are we finished with what we like to call "period panties", but most of us are finished sticking large cotton bundles up our lady parts, and are absolutely finished with the diaper-esque feeling of a pad. 

Day 2: The second day is almost better than the first. This is the day women can actually wear the sexy, tight, light bottoms. This is also the day to NOT take a road trip. On the second through fourth days we are literally losing the pounds of water weight that our bodies love to collect. We will go to the bathroom more often and take even longer than usual. 

Day 3-14: These days are usually free of random mood swings, crying, or harm to you. BUT these are the days when you should hold on tight to your credit cards. Because we have lost all of the water weight, we now understand shopping is a possibility. *Women never shop during their period. Naturally, women are larger during that time of the month. We know this. So why go shopping when you are as big as a house? So instead we save the shopping for days 3-14.

Day 15-18: Throughout these few days, women begin counting... We understand we may only have a few days before complete irrational thoughts and actions drop a curtain over all our senses. 

Day 19-21: These days are the last few minutes of irrational behavior anyone will see for days. And this is when we are truly beautiful. Our skin looks phenomenal, our eyes are radiant, and our cheekbones are perfect. You may notice it too. This is when women walk by the mirror and stay there. My theory about this is, because women turn into demons in just a few hours after these days are over, we give men a last shot of beauty before aunt Flow comes out to play.

Day 22-24: Normal everyday days. We may begin to have cravings. If we do, please help us. This will make life a bit better later on down the road.

Day 25: Today is the start of a women's period. I can assure you now that there is NOTHING you can do to help the situation. If you get down on your knees and do whatever we say, it will still never be enough. There is always something that will still trigger the veil of insanity. The only tip I can give you is not to even think about uttering this phrase:

"It's okay! I understand what you are going through"

There is no way in hell you understand what I am going through right now. Not only are disgusting clumps of crap coming out of my vajaj, but I have to down a bottle of advil just to get rid of the edge of pain. You will never understand how disgusting we feel waking up in the morning. How we crave any kind of chocolate, or anything for that matter. How our bodies are so full of water that moving each leg feels like you have a sumo wrestler attached to each toe. You will never understand what it is like to stick a hard cardboard applicator with an even harder less absorbent cotton swab up my women parts. 

You will never understand how much PAIN we are in. In fact, take an atomic bomb, and put it in your stomach. Set it to explode 1 million times. Then take every joint in your body, and super glue them together. As all of this is going on, sit in a freezer, then a sauna, then a freezer, then a sauna, over and over again. THEN you can tape water balloons to your stomach, pectorals, and bum, after that, do not sleep for four days.

Then maybe, just maybe you will touch the amount of pain we are in every month. 

On days 25-28: These symptoms begin to vanish. Each and every women begins to see what she did wrong. But still do not argue with us. You will still be wrong. If the sky is blue, and we think it is orange; you are color blind. If we want to watch a chick-flick, and you put on a horror movie; the television will probably be on the floor. If you look at us, and we do not like it; you will sleep on the couch. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that is the way it is. Until day one.

So, the lesson is, the next time you decide to compare getting your period to getting kicked in the balls, Be careful because a women might take you up on that offer.... and it will not be pretty. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break - Emily

I know I have much to share with you all about how my spring break has gone. 

Then of course... a story!

A few things first (Reasons why I cannot wait to go back...)

1. I have no friends here. This is not meant for you to feel bad for me because I have a ton of friends at OU. I just do not have very many close friends in my home town. All of my OU friends live in various cities in Ohio, and I still cannot drive  on the freeway. 
2. The internet connection here goes out every SINGLE time the phone rings. While I do not have to sign into the internet every time I open up my laptop.... I cannot stand being kicked off the internet because of the stupid phone ringing. 

Second.. Some updates:

1. My boobs have grown since the beginning of college... I am now a 32ddd (Yes it is an actual size.) By the time I graduate from college, I know my boobs will be a 32ggg... I will resemble a real life barbie with brown hair. I am not Okay with this. 

2. Al has officially asked me to hang out with him twice throughout finals week and spring break. I have politely declined each time. I am sorry that I do not want to be with a womanizer. I was not even attracted to him in the first place, and he made no effort to communicate unless he wanted something.

3. I have now decided to move on to frat guys. Not because of the Sorority/frat thing, but because of Greek week. 

Greek week 2011 Here I come!

4. Bri and I have shown all of the people who thought we would not last as roommates that we do still love each other. SUCCESS. 

And... A story:

So I was standing in Temple volunteering so I could see many of my friends and my boss. Of course I was with Zack in the office standing as he made origami (what else do two college students do on a day off....) We were talking and having a good time, as we always do, when Daniel came in. 

**Side note. Daniel is maybe the most vile man I have ever met in my life. He used to have a rat's tail hair cut, takes pictures of how much he vomits after drinking, and has one of those "I-need-to-shave-but-I-Dont-have-enough-hair-to-shave" upper lip mustaches going on. He is relatively greasy, and tries constantly to be badass. He is NOT badass.**

But anyway. Daniel, who is way too touchy-feely for his own good, comes into the office and opens up his arms for a hug. I return his gesture with a quick pat on the back after he was clearly sticking his crotch forward. (1. Even if he were the last man on earth... there would be NO touching. 2. AT NO TIME will I EVER be that desperate. 3. EW.)

He continued to complain about how I give the worst hugs in the world (I think I can deal with that), and then left the office. I then kept talking to Zack because I was enjoying his company. 

**Side note. I like Zack. He is very sweet. He is clearly a brother to me. We hang out like brother and sister. And I treat him like a brother. TO ANYONE reading this, we are not Dating. That thought does not even cross our minds at all.**

Daniel returned to the office as Zack and I were arguing as usual, only to wrap his arms around me and give me yet another hug.


After this hug, Zack and I continued talking, while Daniel continued to hug me again and again. As I was getting ready to rip off every single solitary phalange with my bare hands, he placed his arms around my shoulders and said:

"Be NICE! This is my future Baby Mama!"


Yup. Thats my life...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Long Lost Love-Bri

I know they are out there. 
At least I'm fairly sure they are.

Have you ever believed in something? I mean not the kind of "I believed in Santa as a kid" but "I believe in creationism or evolution" kind of belief.

Well I believe with my whole entire heart that there is someone out there for me. I believe the love of my life is waiting with the same belief that I'm here for them.

I don't know why I think about this...obsess about this, but I have since I can remember. When I was younger I used to have dreams of finding a person like this, I felt better than I ever have in my entire life. I remember trying to skip school just to keep dreaming that wonderful dream.

I'm not sure why this is, or if I'm the only one who has such a strong desire for the perfect love. It kind of gets in the way of my life, so if you do I'm sorry! I've rejected so many people because I just don't feel that connection. I watch t.v. shows and movies and see people fake those connections so flawlessly, I wish I could fake as easily as them. 

I'm 20, I'm young, and for the first time in my life I don't know what I want...all I know is I want something.

I crave the feeling of looking after someone, yet I've never had someone to look after me. I've thought about looking on dating sites, I get advice like "put yourself out there" I've tried harder than anything to do this. I've tried losing weight, changing my hair, changing my clothes...people say "Bri, you are beautiful" If I'm beautiful, and so great, where are all the possible suitors. I see my friends get people like it's I am lonely. 

At the moment I've decided to give Raymond another chance, but do I feel loved? Not really... Do I feel that connection I crave? Not really... I love him, but what kind of love is it? I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!



Ohio University and Other Adventures- Emily

So I believe I am writing this in response to someone who just bad mouthed the college I attend on another blog. A girl down the hall, Jenny ( decided to write a blog post about how much she loves Ohio University. A few days later, someone left a comment about how each degree from Ohio University is useless. I have a few things to say to this person:

1. Ohio University may be the number two party school, but we do not all WANT to push it to number one. The university has set up stricter rules about underage drinking, and the university police are always out patrolling streets. Every freshman needed to take this obnoxious course about the dangers of drinking. They are also raising the fine for drinking in the dorms, and the RA's are on top of the drinking inside the dorms. 

2. For you to judge a degree on where someone goes to school, is ridiculous, and you obviously do not deserve to be hiring people. I know my degree is worth just as much as the hard work I put into it. Just because my parents/I do not spend over $40,000 a year on tuition, does not mean I do not deserve the same opportunities as someone who slacked off at an Ivy League School. 

3. Ohio University is the number one school in student happiness. This means, Ohio University's students are happy with their education, living conditions, the way the university is run, and most importantly, their decision. 

4. The people at Ohio University are all amazing. The professors are phenomenal, the class sizes are smaller (I've had 6 at the least, 150 at the most), and the people you meet are amazing. The people I've met at Ohio University, whether they were my potential sorority sisters, or people living in the same dorm, everyone waves and smiles whenever you see them. Though there have been a few people I have problems with... I could not see myself anywhere else. 

Now... the Other Adventures!!!

So you should all remember Al. If you don't... He's the juggler.

We kinda split up after I found out about our friend having cancer. I went over to his dorm room, cried on his lap, and then Al and I were no more. This did not really bother me because I was not really attracted to Al. While he was a good friend, I could never really see anything with him. Because of this fact, everyone on our floor started to think it was hilarious when I saw him EVERYWHERE. 

So on Friday, I had to go to a dance concert for one of my classes (DO NOT TAKE FAR 150!). I went with a friend Bekah, and wound up meeting Jenny and other girls from our dorm. We were giggling and having a great time..... until Al walked down the isle. 

I really did not know what to make of this so I began to laugh hysterically. He was of course, with another girl, probably his newest fling. This did not bother me. 

Before I know it, he sat right behind me. I stared straight ahead completely helpless. Not only was this going to be the most awkward moment of my life, but it will be repeated forever. I continued to laugh, and the show began. While all of my friends were turning around staring at him and giggling, he did not suspect a thing.

** Side note** I was wearing a shirt with my name on it. My name is very rare, especially placed right under the name of my alma mater. I've worn my hair in the same style since I was four... So nothing was new with the back of my head. Lastly, my voice and accent are obnoxious. Honestly, I am a loud Clevelander with a squeaky voice. It is very recognizable. ** End Side Note **

After a long hour of creepy dancing and avoiding Al as much as I could, I leaned over to Becca to hear what she had to say. As soon as I turn my head slightly to the right....

Al: HEY...Punches my right shoulder...I did not see you there! How are you? Are you enjoying the show?

................................ What the hell.......................
Yup. Thats my life.