Thursday, September 23, 2010

Emily Again!

I guess I should go into what college life is like. We live in a twelve by twelve cubicle with slanted walls. Most of the room is taken up by our beds and desks, several precious inches are taken by our fridge (with Bri's stale muffin from Tuesday on top), the other space is filled with our lime green beanbag, and our half filled drying rack.  We have a five foot square area where we can sit and attempt to lean and watch our seventeen inch television.  We have one window, which doesn't open, and an air conditioner that is constantly acorn bombed by squirrels. Our walls are thinner than paper, so we can hear EVERYTHING that goes on on the whole floor.

We share a bathroom with at least 25 other girls. This is disgusting. I have seen girls forget their underwear in the shower.  I have seen so many homeless bars of soap skewed around our shower. I have seen so much food,  not ingested, digested, and partially unidentifiable. I have seen a bra so large, you could carry around triplets in it. 

The worst part about our room is that it is in an arch. Our room is above where the drunk students walk under to get back to their dorm room.  We can not only hear everything that goes on, but we can hear every conversation that happens below us. We've had girls cry for their jackets, several people express their love for the Jewish people, and one person racing invisible people back to the building.  Our drunks come in shifts. We have the 12:00 drunks, who are not very loud, we have the 1:00 drunks, who are loud enough to still be considered slightly sober, we have the 2:00 drunks, who are loud enough to wake a hibernating bear, and last but not least, we have our 6:00 AM drunks.  These are my favorite. I  love the 6 AM drunks.

My favorite part of college so far was the lovely tornado drill experience. Not only was I scared shitless, but I was laughing hysterically the whole time. There were a couple 'I don't want to die a virgin' and one 'dude, i just saw a squirrel get fucked up'. It was particularly enjoyable because I am terrified of the dark and thunder storms.  Bri, on the other hand, is terrified of tornadoes. It was an adventure. 

Thats all for now! 

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