Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Guest Post - Eliza

Hello, Nightlife Readers, whoever you are! I am Eliza, and Emily is my better half. She invited me to do a guest post, and the at first, I couldn't decide what to post about, but recent circumstances have led me to the perfect topic:

Christmas Shopping.

Yes, I know that this is supposed to be the "most wonderful time of the year." And I'm not trying to be cynical about the holidays, but there are some things that are stressful. 

My mom, for example. I love her to death. My sister, my mom and I are all extremely close. However, my mom is a jokester. She likes to be snarky and sarcastic. I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, and her response?

"Stricter punishment for parole violaters. And... World Peace!"
Yes. She quoted Miss Congeniality. What am I supposed to do with that? 

When I pressured my darling 17 year old sister whom I love so very much about what she wanted, her response was "I like clothes and shoes. Size medium, and 7.5."

Thanks, sis. I'll get right on that. You're picky and hard to please when it comes to clothing and shoes, so this will be a snap. 
(I found a good gift for her at Target, but I won't spill here.)

Now to Andrew, my brother, age 25. He wants a gift card so he can go get a manicure. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, but I got him a giftcard last year. I'd rather get him something more personal... but we'll see.

Andrew says that his boyfriend Stephan loves plants. Plants? Plants seem like a weird thing to get someone for Christmas... Was he sure? Andrew said yes, yes get Stephan a nice plant! I am still hesitant, because I really like Stephan, and I don't want him to think that I didn't get him something personal or cheap... but ok, I'll get Stephan a plant or two.

(I found 2 very intriguing varieties at a local florist. Andrew assured me that Stephan will LOVE them, they are sexy, and will look great by their large bay window. I am still unsure, but I have confidence in my brother.)

My dad told me to get my future stepmom clear nail polish and bubble bath, because that is what she wants. Hmmmm. I am not sure how comfortable I am buying bubble bath for her. Can I stick to a book or something? You're really making me feel uncomfortable... No? No books? Alright... bubble bath it is. (I am shuddering internally.)

Family, I love you. And I love finding things for you (in retrospect). Can I ask one favor though? Next year, can you please give me straightforward ideas? Or at least come to me in a dream or something with an idea of that ever-elusive "perfect gift?"

I'd really appreciate it. 

Peace, love, and patience to all you blog-readers for this holiday season!

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