Saturday, March 5, 2011

End of Winter Quarter - Emily

This is really weird because I am writing this at two in the morning after drinking two cans of Coke and writing from 11:30 AM to 6:30 PM and then again from 12:00 AM to now. There are a couple of things I realized while sitting (alone) in the study lounge.

1. I really should be working on my paper.
2. Breaks from writing should NOT include more writing....
3. I have three more papers to write after this one...
4. And two tests to study for....
5. I literally do not have a social life.
6. I have not slept in over 20 hours.
7. Winter Quarter was the worst quarter of my life.
8. I can not wait to go home.
9. I kinda wish spring break was a bit longer.
10. .... And I have that review sheet to do....
11. Athens is pretty quiet for 2:30 in the morning.

I guess I am happy that Winter quarter is coming to a close. I can see Eliza, my family, and my dog. I can find what sleep is like again..... 

Well... I realize this is really short, but I know several people will KILL me if they know I was writing a lame blog post rather than writing a lame paper. 


  1. Just an update - its 5:20 and I am still awake. I am still 7 pages in. I cannot possibly think anymore. I think I lost half of my sources somewhere... I did get my works cited page finished!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. So proud. Sometimes it is beneficial to go to bed and refresh yourself, dear
