Friday, February 25, 2011

You Have Entered the WAR ZONE - Emily

I have to admit, the start of winter quarter was a tough one. Not only did someone urinate on Bri's bed at the ass crack of dawn in the morning... but Bri and I have been having some problems. I admit, I was wrong during many of these arguments and I apologize about anything I may have said or thought through these moments. Not only has this quarter been rough socially, but I have had the WORST writer's block EVER. I have not been able to write anything for pleasure, blog about anything, and I am procrastinating in writing my ten to fifteen page paper due in about two weeks. But this week. Everything has turned around.

First... Bri and I rearranged the room. My bed is now lofted, and Bri's bed and desk are under my lofted bed. While the process was very difficult - my bed wound up in the hallway at one point - we laughed. A LOT.

Second.... it has been monsooning all week. Not even kidding. We have been under a flood warning for the past three days. Yet- Class has yet to be cancelled. 

Last... The war has continued. 
Bri and I started this Febreze and Shower war at the start of Winter quarter. 
Part I. The more Febreze your opponent is covered in at the end of their trip to drop the kids off at the pool, the more the other person wins.
Part II. The goal of the shower war is to terrify your victim half to death by ripping the curtain to one side quickly and silently. The more scared your victim is, the funnier the game becomes. Also, the more unsuspecting your victim is, the better.

Today, I decided to return fire. While Bri was peeing.... I was under the assumption she was making a BM because the whole bathroom was talking about dropping a load ... I filled the whole bathroom with Febreze. She yelled, and I giggled. Second, I tiptoed into the shower area and grabbed the shower curtain to scare the living daylights out of Bri. While I was excited, I am fairly terrified of when I take a shower sometime next week. I know its coming. So now I am devising a plan to get her back. 

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