Friday, February 25, 2011

You Have Entered the WAR ZONE - Emily

I have to admit, the start of winter quarter was a tough one. Not only did someone urinate on Bri's bed at the ass crack of dawn in the morning... but Bri and I have been having some problems. I admit, I was wrong during many of these arguments and I apologize about anything I may have said or thought through these moments. Not only has this quarter been rough socially, but I have had the WORST writer's block EVER. I have not been able to write anything for pleasure, blog about anything, and I am procrastinating in writing my ten to fifteen page paper due in about two weeks. But this week. Everything has turned around.

First... Bri and I rearranged the room. My bed is now lofted, and Bri's bed and desk are under my lofted bed. While the process was very difficult - my bed wound up in the hallway at one point - we laughed. A LOT.

Second.... it has been monsooning all week. Not even kidding. We have been under a flood warning for the past three days. Yet- Class has yet to be cancelled. 

Last... The war has continued. 
Bri and I started this Febreze and Shower war at the start of Winter quarter. 
Part I. The more Febreze your opponent is covered in at the end of their trip to drop the kids off at the pool, the more the other person wins.
Part II. The goal of the shower war is to terrify your victim half to death by ripping the curtain to one side quickly and silently. The more scared your victim is, the funnier the game becomes. Also, the more unsuspecting your victim is, the better.

Today, I decided to return fire. While Bri was peeing.... I was under the assumption she was making a BM because the whole bathroom was talking about dropping a load ... I filled the whole bathroom with Febreze. She yelled, and I giggled. Second, I tiptoed into the shower area and grabbed the shower curtain to scare the living daylights out of Bri. While I was excited, I am fairly terrified of when I take a shower sometime next week. I know its coming. So now I am devising a plan to get her back. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

If Life Gives You Lemons, Eat Them and Say People's Names

Here are some valuable things I've learned this quarter...

1) Em and I still love Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn...I'm honestly surprised I don't poop white...
2) Em secretly grows horns and turns into the spawn of satan when she gets her period... :P
3) When boys talk to you, they only want sex, if you don't/can't give it to them...they stop talking to you.
4) Taking care of someone when they're sick only gets you called mom...not laid...
5) An ex-boyfriends arm's are the most comfortable thing to fall into...
6) I could be on "True Life: I'm addicted to playing angry birds while pooping"
7) The commercials when the people talk about autism effecting closer and closer aspects of their lives reminds me of how I feel about strange facial hair....The guy sitting next to me at dinner is close enough!
8) I love twinkle lights...even when it's not winter...
9) I'm done believing in perfect matches
10) I really wish I were more fashionable...
11) I like apple flavored anything!

This I will elaborate on. Around a fort night ago I took two Tylenol PM and decided to run into my friend's room. This is all good, but then all of the sudden I hazily decide to take off ALL OF MY CLOTHES. Excuse me??!! What was I doing? I honestly don't know. THEN I start to do naked yoga! and some of my friends joined me...clothed....I think this describes the point I've gotten to in my life. Yum.

Now if you excuse me, I need to go eat smartpopcorn while playing angry birds before I talk to my ex Raymond, who is now not my ex anymore...oops...
Anddd take some Tylenol PM

Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Quarter- Bri

"For the life of me I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and
We'd never compromise
For the life of me I cannot believe
We'd ever die for these sins
We were merely freshmen"

These particular lyrics, from the song "The Freshmen" by The Verve Pipe, come to mind when I think about winter quarter.

I faintly remember fall quarter being cautioned of the woes of winter quarter. Somehow, during fall I felt infallible and that big bad winter quarter could not tackle the amazing college experience I was having. Boy was I wrong.

Winter quarter began with the "Mysterious Incident of the Piss in the Nighttime". A traumatic event no doubt, but yet it continued to get worse. Em and I began getting on each other's last nerves. A particular incident with our bean bag nearly cost me my shin as well as my sanity. Lets just say I was through with winter quarter before it even began.

I also began to realize the classes I was taking winter quarter SUCKED ASS! excuse my french. They all involved math (which I cannot do to save my life) and none of my teachers took attendance. This meant winter quarter began with a lot of skipping classes to sleep. It reminded me of my junior year of high school, except that was much better because I would go have sex in my car instead of sleep so I could stop crying.

I realize this is all sounding quite "emotional (aka emo)" and depressing, and so I wish I could turn around and talk about meeting some amazing person, or having the most funny party...but I can't. In fact things only got worse...MUCH worse.

It started out as a stomach ache, which lead to an unexpected but seemingly routine hospital visit, then January 26, 2011 my dear friend Kyle was diagnosed with cancer. 

Nineteen years old...the tears came before I realized what was happening. Nineteen years old...I thought about his girlfriend and one of my best friends Leah. Nineteen years old...and caught up in the fight of his life.

For days straight I listened to a list of songs that I listen to in order to tell myself people have been through things like this before. 

1. Heard the World- OAR
2. Last Kiss- Pearl Jam
3. Jumper- Third Eye Blind
4. Someday- Brett Dennen
5. Traveling Soldier- Dixie Chicks

This unraveled all of our friends in the WTF group. Each of us twisting and turning in our own different and sometimes strange ways.  We wanted to be mad at something...there was no way to comprehend how something like this could happen. We ended up mad at each other. I was away from home, stressed with school, a sick friend, and no support. This was probably the hardest time in my life, I'm honestly not sure how I made it through and I think I'm still not completely through it.

There was a few weeks that went by numbly. We cried, we got wasted, and we tried to forget.

Now the quarter is almost over, three weeks left to be exact. Kyle is back home still fighting, but fighting hard and strong! I've been trying to find the happiness that has left me winter quarter, and it's slowly coming back.

I've come to a point in my life that I realize life is short, and yes you should do what you love, but you should also do what is going to make the most sense. I've felt like I've just been dilly dallying my time in journalism, and I don't feel like working very hard at it to make it above all the rest. How is that for honesty?

My solution? Education. I love children, LOVE THEM! I used to pretend teach my younger brothers all the time. I'm stressed and I hope this quarter will just be over.

I'm sorry this wasn't a funny one, I'm hoping there will be some good funny times to come!