Sunday, October 17, 2010

Part II: The Juggler - Emily

One day during lunch I saw this man. I was trying to place him in my mind. He looked so familiar, I had to know him. I was thinking back to high school, extracurriculars, work, orientation, or anyone who asked me for directions and could still not place this man.  I eventually decided that I would probably not see this man again and gave up on trying to place him.  A few days later I saw him again, and a few days after that I saw him. After I stared at him for a while, he came over and knelt down beside me. He asked if I had ever gone to a certain school district. I immediately placed him.  This man kneeling beside me was in my third grade elementary class. He sat across from me, and we even played cards together at lunch.

"You're Al! I'm Emily by the way."

We ended the conversation with a promise that we would see each other again and use that time to catch up and become friends again. I agreed and he left.  After he left, I realized that I should have gotten his phone number.

About a week went by and I did not see Al.

Again I decided that I did not really care whether I saw Al again, though I know it would be an amazing conversation.  As soon as I decided to let go of looking around for him in the dining halls, he showed up once again.  I turned around and saw Al eating at the table behind me. I finally got his number.

I received a text message later that night asking if  I wanted to go out sometime. I agreed. It was really supposed to be a movie night. It was supposed to be a night between friends, It was supposed to be a night to catch up, and it was supposed to be a night of bonding.

Supposed to be.

I met him outside his hall, which happened to be the hall connected to mine through a staff office. I found this extremely ironic because we once lived in the same suburb, and now we live in essentially the same building.  But anyway, we planned on watching a nice comedy on a chilly saturday night.

(Before I go on, I'd like to go over a couple of things. First off, I did not plan any of what was going to happen this night.  I believed we were actually going to watch a movie and bond.  I believed that I wouldn't ever enjoy a man's presence again because of Tyler.  Second, I'm a prude. And I know you don't believe I would call myself such a belittling name, but I really don't touch men. I do not go around kissing, hugging, poking, prodding, or batting an eyelash at men. Before college, I rarely spent time alone with men, other than my boyfriend at the time.  I did not even think about "hooking up" with someone.)

I walked into his room, which had colored lights around the bottom of one lofted bed, a couch under the second lofted bed, and many blood infused posters.  His room was a very plain and organized place.  He did not have very many possessions, compared to his roommate, but his room looked lived in. It was a homey place. Despite the fact that there was a COUCH, we sat on the floor and talked for about a half an hour.  The conversation was a little choppy, but what do you expect? We haven't seen each other for over 10 years, we have no idea what we have in common, and, to top it all off, we never had any real memories together.

Al then had what I thought was a brilliant ice breaker; tell me the story of your first kiss. Innocent little me thought nothing of this strategic move on his part. I told the lame story about my first kiss and how my ex ex boyfriend (the farther away they get the more exes they get...) LOVED the number 22 and kissed my hands 21 times, and then kissed me to make 22. I finished my story, and Al began his.

Al's story was honestly the most romantic first kiss I've ever heard of. Honestly, damn.  I wish my ex ex boyfriend did something romantic like take me out on a romantic evening, or cook a dinner for me, or bought me flowers, or something beautiful before kissing my lips till they were raw.  At the end of his story, he seemed to get closer, but I thought nothing of it.  When he completed his story, he kissed me full on the mouth. *Please excuse my french here:*


After our nights of enjoyment, I shared with the girls back at the dorm some of what happened, I guess he was the first to get caught in my web. Definitely my favorite as of today.

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